
Sarnin-Berrux is a négociant, based in Monthélie,  specialising in naturally vinified Burgundy, along with wines from the Rhône and the Beaujolais.

Jean-Pascal Sarnin met Jean-Marie Berrux in Saint Romain; Jean-Pascal having left his life in Paris and Jean-Marie working for a conventional estate in the area. They immediately bonded over a love of natural wine, and thus, their project was born.

They only purchase grapes as opposed to juice or must. The whites are barrel aged with élévage on fine lees. Meanwhile, the reds see partial destemming and fermentation in wooden vats with minimal pigeage, before ageing in old barrels.

These wines have been fixtures on the Parisian natural wine scene for over a decade and the wines beautifully straddle that fine line between tasting satisfyingly classic with an energetic, vivacious edge.


Domaine Roblet-Monnot


Maison Uliz / Antoine Petitprez